Σχεδιασμός Ραδιοπηνίου για Καρδιακή Απεικόνιση Ποντικού

22, 2012

This project includes the simulation of the response of various coil geometries using the software Remcom XFdtd 7.0.2 and Matlab 7.1. We try to compare the efficiency of each coil with each other and show the similarity of the magnetic fields between the two simulation programs.

Each coil will be simulated both in free space and with a mouse mesh model on it, in order to show how this affects the magnetic field that each coil produces.

The final step of the project is the construction of the actual coils and the testing of them on real mouse models in order to see how identical the results are using these two different methods.

Mouse XFDTD simulation from the four-spiral cylindrical coil under loaded conditions with

a mouse computational model